Okay, now that I have your attention, let me explain....
As I revisited this verse, (Romans 10:9-10) revelation began to resonate in my spirit.
There is a very popular saying moving through-out our cities, churches, and especially, on our college campuses: “The Struggle is Real.” Although, this particular statement is often referred to the natural struggles of Life, it also has spiritual implications as well.
There are a lot of frustrated Christians, struggling with their salvation. And the reason is, they are basing their salvation on how they feel. This is the problem: The worst they feel, the harder they try to work to feel Saved, through their own actions and so called Good Deeds.
Salvation was never meant to make you feel good; its primary function was to redeem you and put you back in right standing with God. Therefore, when you are in right standing with God, your spirt is free from the entanglement of sin. This is what you feel, Freedom from Sin.
Salvation is never based on what you do or how you feel, it’s always what God did through his Son, Jesus. That’s it, nothing more and nothing less. A lot of Christians over-complicate this through their traditions.
What we as Christians should focus our attention on, is not trying to live saved, but learning how to LOVE PEOPLE. The work of Salvation is already a Completed work. It has already been settled over 2000 years ago. There’s nothing more or less that you and I can do that would improve the perfect work that God has already done.
Salvation was birthed out of Love, and therefore, it has to be perpetuated in Love. For God so Loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son… And Salvation is a result of the Love that God has for people.
Find ways to give and show Love to the Unloved. This is what true Salvation is all about. When you are truly Loving people the way God has intended, Salvation is at work in your life.
People that are having a hard time trying to Live Saved, are people that have a problem with Love. Think about it…I’m not going to purposely hurt you if I really Love You? Neither am I going to do harm to myself if I really Love Me?
Once you have accepted Salvation, confessed with your mouth, and believed in the finished work of Christ, you are Saved, period. It’s Done. Salvation is Complete and Settled, It’s our Love that we need to perfect.
Stop trying to live saved…Start Living to Love.
Love God.
Love Yourself.
Love Others.
Author D. Sandridge
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