Tuesday, February 21, 2012

12 Steps to Becoming A Millionaire

Step #3—


Take a DNA Test

Have you ever watched the Maury Povich Show, which is a show that is known for its DNA testing of males, to determine if they were actually the person that fathered the child, which the mother allegedly claimed they were?

Sometimes these claims were true. However, there were times when the mother’s claim backfired. The man that she accused of being the father, the DNA test determined that he was not the person that fathered the child. This discovery would bring out emotions from both ends of the spectrum: Extreme excitement to utterly embarrassment.

Have you had a DNA test lately? Do you know if you are the father? Do you know if it’s actually yours?

No, I’m not talking about your biological children, I’m talking about the person you are. Do you really know who you are? Do you know if your passions are genuinely yours, or has someone else influenced them?

When I mention your DNA, I am talking about your: Distinctive Natural Ability. This is the thing that sets you apart from the masses. Each of us has been given special gifts, talents, and abilities. I believe these gifts are given to us so that we can improve not just ourselves, but also the world. We have been designed to dominate the earth. Not just the earth, but dominate every situation we face, no matter what it is.

Every millionaire had to take a DNA test. And the reason is they needed to know who they really were, and what their assignment for life was. Otherwise, they would have gone through life wondering, not achieving anything.

When you are crystal clear on who you are, and what you are supposed to do in the world, you will make a great impact on planet earth.

Understanding your DNA (Distinctive Natural Ability) will help you avoid wasting valuable time and unnecessary energy.

Listen how Bishop T. D. Jakes says it in his book, Reposition Yourself; Living Life Without Limits:
“However, I should warn you that finding your gift is more than getting a degree. While this varies from field to field, many experts estimate that over 50 percent of people end up working in areas other than the one for which they have earned a degree…We end up completing a degree only to find out that we do not like actually working in the area that we enjoyed studying…Part of your education—and by this I mean truly learning from your past mistakes—requires assessing correctly what you have in your personality that can empower your arsenal of weaponry. If you have the tools in your heart that match the information you have in your head, then you can begin to find the most powerful areas for their convergence. The combination of a focused mind and an impassioned heart can be so helpful in determining what we are really meant to do with our lives.” 

As an aspiring millionaire, taking a DNA test is paramount. Take time to understand you and what makes you click: Don’t just do something because your best friend is doing it. Don’t just do something to make money, do it because that is your assignment, and the money, and everything else will come. Never go into business to make money, go into business to make a difference, and the money will come.


Are you really the father of that dream, desire, or goal that you are seeking, or are they because of someone else? Be clear about what you seek for out of life: Make it your baby.

So, go ahead and spread your DNA across this planet. Allow it to touch every corner of the world. And the next time you are asked, “Are you the Father”, you can proudly say with enthusiasm, “I am the Father, I take full responsibility and ownership of the thing I have created with my Distinctive Natural Ability.

How do we implement Step #3—

1.    First, take look at your Life…Ask yourself:

        A. What comes Natural for me?

          B.  What am I good at doing?

          C.  What kind of compliments do I get from others?

           D.  Do I actually Like what I am good at doing?

2.    Secondly, take a look at your life’s Challenges…Ask yourself:

           A.  Why am I having trouble with this part or that part of my life?

           B.  What Lesson do I need to learn from this Challenge?

           C.  How can what I am going through help someone else?

           D.  What business or program can I start based on the challenges that I encounter?

3.    Finally, look at both list and see if you can somehow mesh the two categories. Ask yourself:

           A.  How can I impact the world with what I like to do, but have trouble doing it because of the challenges I am facing.

           B.  What solutions can I offer someone that is faced with the same dilemma?

           C.  What does the world need that I can offer because of the experiences that life has given me?

Here is another inspiring video to show you that your DNA is special and that it needs to be sprinkled throughout the world. To view the video, please click on the link below.

Thanks, and enjoy.

Your Coach,

Demetrius Sandridge

Monday, February 13, 2012

12 Steps to Becoming A Millionaire

Step #2—


Take Personal Responsibility

Now that you have made the decision to become Wealthy, it is time to take personal responsibility. First, you must take a cold hard look at yourself.

This is the time that you will take to evaluate your life, and the decisions that you have made. The question that needs to be answered is: Why?

The “Why” question is the most powerful question of all, because it demands more answers. The “Why” question forces one to get to the core of the matter and beyond. The best example I can use to validate this view is the innocent exchange between a parent and toddler.

The parent tells the toddler that she can’t do a certain thing, and the first thing that comes out of the toddler’s mouth is, “Why”? And then the parent proceeds to give a surface answer as to why she said what she said. And for all you parents out there know the next thing that transpires, the toddler says, “But why?” And this continues for a short time until the parent finally gives in and say, “Because I told you so.”

See, the “Why” question will either make you frustrated or cause you to dig a little deeper into the matter. And the latter is what I want for you—to dig a little deeper, to find valid answers as to why you are where you are.

I had to ask myself the “Why” question several times. After I came to grips with the answers, I had to move on. I could no longer allow my father’s murder to remain an excuse for not achieving my goals and dreams. I could no longer allow my failed marriages to be my excuse for not loving again. I could no longer allow my financial woes to hinder my desire to be financially liberated. I had to get on with life.

I am not telling you to be insensitive to situations that occur in your life. All I am saying is deal with those matters properly, and move on. Stop blaming others for where you are in your life.

We will all lose something at some point in this life: From Loved ones to things. Remember, "Life Happens." Things are constantly changing everyday.

The “Why” question will always lead you to the right answer. And the answer is almost always: Personal Responsibility.

However, the “Why” question is powerful but yet time consuming. Yes, you can answer all of the “Why” questions in your life until the cows come home, but if you never stop and take personal responsibility, you will be still asking “Why”.

Asking yourself the “Why” questions is just a way to get the conversation started in you head. Once that conversation gets started, and you get some clarity as to why certain things have happened in your life, there has to be a time when it stops. Once you come to grips with the answers to your “Why” questions, at some point you must move on. You must lay the entire “Why” answers to rest.

It is now time to forgive yourself and others for some of the answers to your “Why” questions. I know you want to point the finger at everybody but yourself. It’s natural for us to want to do that. However, it’s not beneficial.

We must take full responsibility for our lives. If your quest is to experience financial freedom, then you must take full responsibility to ensuring that that takes place.

No more excuses. No more pointing the finger and blaming others. No more wining. No more complaining. It’s time to make it happen. The brightness of your future depends on you, and how bright you want to make it.

Here is another question for you. What is the difference between a Wealthy person and a Poor person? Answer: One takes Responsibility and the other one does not. Which person are you?

How do we implement Step #2?

                             Action Steps:

  • Find someone that you can talk to to help you get over the thing that's bothering you (Your Pastor, friend, family member, mentor, Life Coach, etc.). Let go of the Past.
  • Forgive not only others, but forgive yourself also, because nobody is perfect.
  • Be optimistic in the mist of adversity.
  • Make the decision to be Great! Find someone that will hold you responsible for staying on track.

Thanks, Your Coach

Demetrius Sandridge

Monday, February 6, 2012

12 Steps to Becoming A MILLIONAIRE

The TV series, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" has been both intriguing and entertaining at the same time. We watched the show enthusiastically, and coached the contestants from our "Lazy Boy" chair, shouting out answers at the TV, as if the contestants could hear us.

What's even more interesting is we would get mad if the contestant's "Final" answer was wrong. I don't have a problem with getting mad, however, that resentment should not be directed to the contestant, but toward the person sitting in the "Lazy Boy" chair.

Yes, get mad enough about why you are still in the "Lazy Boy" chair and not participating as a contestant. I know its just a TV show, but, the principle is still the same.

There is a very familiar passage in scripture that talks about three individuals that were given an opportunity to increase their master's net worth. Two of the three did very well: They doubled their initial investment. However, the third individual did absolutely nothing. He was afraid that he would lose, so he played it safe. And because of that, his master called him wicked and lazy, and took back what he had given him and gave it to the one who had done the best, in terms of the increase that was made from the initial investment.

Doing nothing about your financial destiny is not the right choice!

For the next twelve weeks we will embark upon the subject of "Becoming a Millionaire". Our objective is to help you achieve Millionaire Status. We want to help you eliminate all of the "Fear." Will you take this journey with us, or are you just going to remain sitting in your "Lazy Boy" chair?

STEP # 1- Decide to become a Millionaire

Becoming a Millionaire is a Choice! I know this sounds too simple, but the truth is people that wanted to reach Millionaire Status made a decision to become wealthy, first.

The contestants on, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" are ordinary people with ordinary lives. The only difference is they decided that they would do something, anything to propel themselves into Millionaire Status. Even if that meant looking silly in front of millions of TV viewers.

And that is what most people are: Viewers. They just sit back and watch others achieve their dreams and accomplish their goals.

Wanting to be Wealthy and deciding to become wealthy is entirely two different things. Make the decision to do something about your financial future. This is the very first step to "Becoming a Millionaire."

"Be a Doer, not a Viewer"

Everything that we do in life starts with the first step: Doing it!

If you make this first step the rest will come. Life will begin to pull you in the right direction. Just make up in your mind that you want to do it, no matter what it is.

Here is a video that I hope will inspire you to achieve whatever it is that you want to accomplish. Click on the Link below.

Your comments are welcomed...We would Love to hear from you!!!

Thanks, and Enjoy

Your Coach,

Demetrius Sandridge