Have you ever thought about how ordinary people become extraordinary individuals? Well, you don't have to wonder about it anymore. These are the people that did not quit in the middle of the road...just before reaching the verge of greatness.
My good friend, Bobby Bielat and I were talking on the telephone last week. He mentioned to me that he was reading a book. He was reading the history of the "Beatles." Oh what an incredible story.
This very talented musical group didn't have it easy in the beginning...they persevered through so many obstacles. The thing that impressed me was they knew that they were on the verge of something great. And as you and I know--the rest is history.
One might ask, "How does a person know that they're on the verge of Greatness?" The only way that a person knows that they're on the right path to greatness, is what they feel and believe on the inside. It's a "Faith" thing. It has nothing to do with what the current situation is on the outside. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the economy is. What I've come to realize is that everybody's economy is not impacted by the global economy. And that is a great position to be in.
How many people do you know who stopped just before they reached greatness? I don't know anyone! Because, you'll never know what you can and can't accomplish if you stop trying.
All of us are on the verge of something great. Yes, that's right. All of us! However, the sad reality is, though, only about 20 percent of you will experience that greatness. Why?
The number one reason why most people don't experience this greatness...they give-up too early. They stop fighting for what they want. They stop believing that it is even possible. Are you in the 20 percent, or are you in the 80 percent?
If you are going to be an extraordinary individual, you have to keep moving forward. When you stop moving forward, life will run you over. And believe me; you don't want to get in the way of life. So, never stop in the middle of your "Goals" and "Dreams"...Always get to the finish line. Greatness is waiting just on the other side.
Finish that book project. Start that new business. Complete that degree. Marry the man or woman of your dreams. Don't waste another opportunity.
Now is the time to live the best life ever. Because, you are on the Verge of Greatness!!!
Your Coach,
Demetrius Sandridge