Monday, August 8, 2011

How do you define Poverty?

How do you view poverty? Do you feel that it’s something that can’t be avoided because your parents and perhaps their parents grew up poor? Or maybe you read the passage of scripture when Jesus said, “For the poor always ye have with you…” which would seem to suggest and perhaps validate your belief that it’s okay to live in poverty? But, notice what the great master teacher said: The poor will always be with you. Take note that He did not include the disciples, neither himself, in the class with the poor.

In other words, there will always be people that will not accept the fact that they have been created for greatness: That they were never to experience poverty. This is another one of those subtle truths that, if not embraced correctly, will result in a life full of poverty.

Maybe your definition of poverty means being without, or not being able to shop for the up-to-date fashions, the latest pair of Air Jordan’s, jewelry or the latest gadget every week, just to try to impress someone?  Or perhaps your definition means not being able to ride down the infamous street of Detroit (The “Motor City”), Seven Mile, in your custom painted—Candy Apple Red, 1970 Chevy Impala, sitting on 22” Dayton wheels, with 18” woofers in the trunk, or, not being able to duplicate what the Joneses may be doing across the street from you?

The questions above are rhetorical, which are meant to cause you to stop and think. Everyone has his or her own point of view of poverty, and of prosperity for that matter.  However, this different view doesn’t make any one answer right, wrong or indifferent—it’s all based on ones’ own perception and belief system. As he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Whatever your definition is becomes only your reality—even if what you believe isn’t accurate at all. Shakespeare said it best: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

Look at the Bill Gates’, the Tiger Woods’, the Oprah Winfreys’, and the Warren Buffets’ of the world today. These individuals did nothing special to achieve the level of success that has made them world icons. They just tapped into their God-given talent—the thing they showed up in life with—the gift that God placed only inside of them. I’m not suggesting that they had it easy, or that they did not have to work hard. Yes! They did have to work hard to achieve their goals. But, when you are doing something that you love and were created for, it’s work that you really enjoy doing.

You have a gift, too. What is it? What’s unique about you that you have not sought out? What is that one thing that makes only you standout? When you figure it out—let the world know.

That one thing is what your Creator placed inside of you to make a difference in the world: To break the chains of poverty in your Life! You are the only person that possesses it. If you don’t use it, we all suffer a great disservice, caused by your failure—of not stepping into your greatness.

Poverty is neither your Friend…nor a companion! Poverty is what it is: An enemy that keeps you from enjoying the life that God Created for you.


Your Coach


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Telling Your Story...Gives Him Glory!

Everybody has a Story. The problem though...there are only a small percentage of people  that are willing to share their story. Why?

Most people feel that by sharing their story it may reveal...TMI (Too Much Information).

I don't think it's too much information...I think it's just enough information to help others from not experiencing pitfalls, and unnecessary struggles.

I Think there are only two ways that we learn: 1. Personal Experience  2. The Experience of Others.

Learning from personal experiences is good and sometimes necessary. But, to avoid the pain, pitfalls and premature setbacks that you may encounter, you need to learn from the experiences of others. 

And one of the ways we learn from others is by reading their books. There has been a book written for any and everything that we want to know.

Take a look in your wallet/purse. You will probably see: Credit Cards, a Bank Card, Check Card, EBT Card, Health Club Card, Medical Card, AAA Card, Employee Card, etc;

But how many of you have a Library Card? Not just a library card for the city you live in, but a library card for when you travel abroad...outside of your city?

There used to be a saying, "What you don't know wont hurt you." That's not true. What you don't know not only will hurt you, it may even kill you! Knowledge is Power...But Ignorance is more expensive! What you don't know will keep you in bondage.

So, read the story of others so that you can create your own remarkable story...the story that you can share with others. Your Story is important. Share it! Because you went through it and survived it, means it needs to be shared with others.

Never pass up an opportunity to share your story. Your DNA was created in you for that experience. Only you can tell your story...

Telling your Story gives God Glory!


Your Coach


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Does Your Life Make Sense?

If you want your Life to make sense, you have to make sense out of your life. And the only way that you can do that is…You must understand the purpose of your life.

You did not get a free trip to earth just to take up space; you are here to create space for others. Your purpose is always connected to other people.

What is it that you bring to the table of life that could benefit the life of others? What experience have you had, that you could share with all of us, which would give us a better experience?

Have you ever wondered why certain people go through things in there lives and other people don't? Your personal DNA is created in you because only you can handle the stuff that you go through in life. Because you experienced that and made it through...means it needs to be shared with all of us.

One might ask, "Where do I Start?"

You can start by being Transparent. When you are transparent, you literally become a "Parent" to all of us. You become the blueprint for our lives. We are able to navigate through life with less detours and interruptions.

Open up and share your stories, show your scares, shine the light in dark places, be the road map for our lives.

When you do this, your life will not only make sense to you, but to the whole world.

Thanks...Your Coach,
Demetrius Sandridge



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are You on the Verge of Something Great?

Have you ever thought about how ordinary people become extraordinary individuals? Well, you don't have to wonder about it anymore. These are the people that did not quit in the middle of the road...just before reaching the verge of greatness.

My good friend, Bobby Bielat and I were talking on the telephone last week. He mentioned to me that he was reading a book. He was reading the history of the "Beatles." Oh what an incredible story.

This very talented musical group didn't have it easy in the beginning...they persevered through so many obstacles. The thing that impressed me was they knew that they were on the verge of something great. And as you and I know--the rest is history.

One might ask, "How does a person know that they're on the verge of Greatness?" The only way that a person knows that they're on the right path to greatness, is what they feel and believe on the inside. It's a "Faith" thing. It has nothing to do with what the current situation is on the outside. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the economy is. What I've come to realize is that everybody's economy is not impacted by the global economy. And that is a great position to be in.

How many people do you know who stopped just before they reached greatness? I don't know anyone! Because, you'll never know what you can and can't accomplish if you stop trying.

All of us are on the verge of something great. Yes, that's right. All of us! However, the sad reality is, though, only about 20 percent of you will experience that greatness. Why?

The number one reason why most people don't experience this greatness...they give-up too early. They stop fighting for what they want. They stop believing that it is even possible. Are you in the 20 percent, or are you in the 80 percent?

If you are going to be an extraordinary individual, you have to keep moving forward. When you stop moving forward, life will run you over. And believe me; you don't want to get in the way of life. So, never stop in the middle of your "Goals" and "Dreams"...Always get to the finish line. Greatness is waiting just on the other side.

Finish that book project. Start that new business. Complete that degree. Marry the man or woman of your dreams. Don't waste another opportunity.

Now is the time to live the best life ever. Because, you are on the Verge of Greatness!!!


Your Coach,
Demetrius Sandridge

Monday, January 31, 2011

What Vehicle are you Riding In?

The first production “Model T” was produced in August, 1908. It was produced by Henry Ford’s Ford Motor Company. According to an international poll, the Ford Model T was named the world’s most influential car of the twentieth century.

Henry Ford said of the vehicle: “I will build a car for the great multitude…But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one—and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces.”

Ford wanted to put every man in the new Model T—only if he could afford it. However, the thing I was impressed with was the fact that Ford wanted this total experience to be enjoyed with family. Yes, a vehicle that was large enough for the family.

How often do we go through life, in our own little world, not taking into consideration our loved ones and the people that make what we do even possible? We get on the fast track to climbing the corporate ladder—hoping to catapult our career success into the stratosphere.

Family is the foundation of world. The stronger the foundation of family values, the stronger the world is. And whenever that foundation is disturbed in any way, the world gets a little darker!

What vehicle are you riding in? Is it a one-seat, two-seater, two-door, four-door, SUV, Van or a motor cycle? Have you made room for your family to ride with you, as you climb the ladder of success?

I love the motto of Keller Williams Realty: “God, Family, Business.” When we put things in the right perspective, we create a rewarding life! Don’t try to do it any other way.

Ford builds cars…let us build strong families. Let us live our lives in a way that will create a lasting legacy. Let us be the one that’s name the most influential and instrumental as it relates to our strong family values.

I would like to use the word Model T as an acronym, so that you can remember how important family is, and that you need to make sure you have room for them in your vehicle—whatever vehicle that may be. Don’t take another career trip, personal trip, business trip or school field trip until you have taken a family trip, first!

M  Make Family a Priority

O  Open your world up to your Family

D  Drive your Family with you

E  Eliminate excuses

L  Love genuinely

T  Teach every Family member the Model

Your Coach
Demetrius Sandridge

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Did A Homeless Man Become an Overnight Millionaire?

Would you like to be Ted Williams?
A homeless man living on the streets of Columbus, Ohio, has caused a major traffic jam, not on the Interstate, but on the Internet.
The name Ted Williams has generated more than 6 million hits on the Internet, and has become an overnight household name. Not only is his name swirling in cyber-space, at record levels, he has joined the ranks with Jim Harbaugh, becoming one of the most highly sought after candidate, not to coach a team in the NFL, but to be one of the top voices in radio for the NBA, NFL Films, and the voice-over world. Not bad, for a homeless guy, right?
How would you like to be in his shoes—an overnight success story? Most people would say, “Yes”, emphatically. But, hold your horse…is this sensational story about overnight success? Or, is about something more substantial? Is this about the prize, or is it about the process?
Real success is never about the destination, it is always about the journey, and what you become—by the many experiences along the way. Because life is an energy that constantly moves, destinations sometimes are short-lived. It’s the experiences on the journey of life that last a lifetime!
If you think Ted Williams story is as an “Overnight Sensation”, you are terribly mistaken. I hope I didn’t lose you, there? Just hear me out for a minute.
Upon first glance, it does appear that Ted Williams shed himself of poverty and leaped right into the hands of prosperity, overnight. But, if you were to take an in-depth look at the bigger picture, you will see that this is not the case.
According to a recent report by CTV News Staff, Williams said, “He began to struggle with alcoholism in 1996 while working at a jazz radio station…and would often show up late for work. Then he started using drugs like marijuana and cocaine…”
Now, you do the math—1996 to 2011. I calculated 15 years? That’s a big difference in my book—“Overnight Success vs. The 15 Year Process”.
Do you now see how easy it is to be mesmerized by the prize, destination or the results, and not the 15 year journey?We didn’t see the struggles—having to decide whether to buy drugs or buy food, the nights in the bitter cold, the growling stomach, and the embarrassing moments—asking for money, food, a hot cup of coffee or left-over’s from a wasted meal. We don’t know what it feels like to have to carry all of your worldly goods—everywhere you go—every single day of your life! Oh what a journey!
Do you still want to be in his shoes? Your answer maybe, “No” at this point…But, what if I told you that you are in his shoes, and/or have the same opportunity?We’re all on a personal journey, with struggles, too! No, you are not homeless. You don’t have a drug problem. But we still have struggles.
Our struggle is deciding whether we will continue on the journey or quit in the middle of the race. This is the one thing I admire about Ted: He did not give up! And as I analyze this story, there are five things that come to mind.
I call this the 5 P’s to having a Prosperous Life:

· Preparation

· Perseverance

· Persistence

· Passion

· Prayer

Ted implemented all five.If you would implement these five principles, you can have the same success story as Ted Williams. Let me go in-depth in explaining each of the five:
Preparation—Is the planning stage. You have to first know where you are in terms of your life, in order to devise a plan (or make a sign that reads, “I have a God Given Gift of Voice…”) that will get you to where you need to be, as it relates to your purpose. This is the time that you will take to evaluate your purpose for life—preparing for greatness. Having a clear vision as to who you are and why you were created. And in the case of Ted Williams, it was his God-given Voice! “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”
Perseverance—Is the will to push through obstacles from within—those obstacles that are mostly self-imposed—such as fear, negative emotions, negative thinking, drugs or alcohol. It may even be an illness of some sort. These are only some of the things that you will have to persevere through.
Persistence—Is the will to push through obstacles that are caused from outside forces—such as negative people (be it family, friends or foe) limited resources, homelessness, joblessness, failures. Normally, these are things that are out of your control. However, you do have control over how you respond, what you say and how you think, and sometimes—“How you sound”.
Passion—Is what creates the energy that’s needed to push you beyond your physical abilities or limitations. It’s what you feel when you are pursuing your God-given purpose. It’s the thing that makes your purpose seem easy to onlookers, or six million Internet viewers!
Prayer—Is the only language that God understands and responds to. True prayer is saying and doing what the “Word of God” says. God is not moved by your tears, your poverty, your pain, your failing marriage, your time in jail, the sickness of your mother, living on the streets or any other problem you got going on in your life; the only thing that moves God, on your behalf, is prayers that come into agreement with his word, for your life, through the faith you display. 
Prayer is saying something like this: And I know that all things work together (even being homeless or jobless) for good, because I love God and called unto His purpose.
Applying these five principles to your life, will cause you to experience a transformation within your soul, mind, body and spirit; a transformation that will give you the aptitude to finish your purpose for living.
If you think “Life” is hard…try dying before realizing your purpose and your dreams: Oh what a miserable death that would be!
Finish what you start; and God will give you more things to finish.
Your Coach,
Demetrius Sandridge
Your comments are Welcomed…
Email at: D.Sandridge@Yahoo.Com 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who are you...and what are you here for?

If You Don't Know...You Wont Grow!

The start of a “New Year” is always a good time for reflection. However, most of us miss this great opportunity, to look back on the past year, to measure how well we’ve done. I know we want to leave the past-in-the-past, because of the pain it reminds us of. But you have to take one more look, so you’ll know how to move forward in the “New Year”.

If you did not achieve your goals last year, are you going to continue on the same course, or are you going to make some changes? If your answer is, “Make some Changes”, you are on a head-on collision with achieving your goals and living your dream.

Take a prescriptive look at what you did (or didn’t do) last year that gave you the results you got. This is where you must start the “New Year”—analyzing what you did that did not get you the desired results.

One of the things that you probably failed to do, which caused your “Success Train” to derail, is ask yourself the two most important questions that every human being must ask:

1.) Who am I? and 2.) What am I here for?

Most people fail in life because they overlook the importance of knowing the answers to these two vital questions.

How long have you been feeling like your life is meaningless? Why is it that your current job makes you sick? Why is it that you feel like you have stopped growing, and that there’s nothing worth striving for? Most people feel this way because they have not taken the time to ask themselves these two life changing questions. When you can answer these questions, with definitive answers, your life will begin to make sense.

The secret to knowing who you are, and what you are on planet earth for: Is to always start with where you are in your life. The challenges that you are facing right now, could be an indication of what your mission in life should be. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you living in poverty? Have you lost your job? Have you lost a loved one? Is your teenager suffering from identity crises?

What experience do you bring to the table of life that could be a benefit to someone else? Remember, your purpose is always connected to people.

The passion you bring to the challenges that you are facing could spark a new business opportunity. Every successful business is built from this concept: Having solutions for other people problems…

You have the power to get “Wealth”…So, use your challenges as a vehicle to achieve your dreams and to fund your future.

Your Coach,

Demetrius Sandridge

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The 1st Day of "2011"...What a Great Day it is!!!
364 more Great Days to go...Yes!