Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who are you...and what are you here for?

If You Don't Know...You Wont Grow!

The start of a “New Year” is always a good time for reflection. However, most of us miss this great opportunity, to look back on the past year, to measure how well we’ve done. I know we want to leave the past-in-the-past, because of the pain it reminds us of. But you have to take one more look, so you’ll know how to move forward in the “New Year”.

If you did not achieve your goals last year, are you going to continue on the same course, or are you going to make some changes? If your answer is, “Make some Changes”, you are on a head-on collision with achieving your goals and living your dream.

Take a prescriptive look at what you did (or didn’t do) last year that gave you the results you got. This is where you must start the “New Year”—analyzing what you did that did not get you the desired results.

One of the things that you probably failed to do, which caused your “Success Train” to derail, is ask yourself the two most important questions that every human being must ask:

1.) Who am I? and 2.) What am I here for?

Most people fail in life because they overlook the importance of knowing the answers to these two vital questions.

How long have you been feeling like your life is meaningless? Why is it that your current job makes you sick? Why is it that you feel like you have stopped growing, and that there’s nothing worth striving for? Most people feel this way because they have not taken the time to ask themselves these two life changing questions. When you can answer these questions, with definitive answers, your life will begin to make sense.

The secret to knowing who you are, and what you are on planet earth for: Is to always start with where you are in your life. The challenges that you are facing right now, could be an indication of what your mission in life should be. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you living in poverty? Have you lost your job? Have you lost a loved one? Is your teenager suffering from identity crises?

What experience do you bring to the table of life that could be a benefit to someone else? Remember, your purpose is always connected to people.

The passion you bring to the challenges that you are facing could spark a new business opportunity. Every successful business is built from this concept: Having solutions for other people problems…

You have the power to get “Wealth”…So, use your challenges as a vehicle to achieve your dreams and to fund your future.

Your Coach,

Demetrius Sandridge

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