Sunday, May 28, 2017


Sunday's Meditation:

This 11-Letter word is the difference between the Haves and the Have Nots. It's the difference between Wealth and Poverty.

Do you ever wonder why certain people are successful, and other people struggle, living paycheck-to-paycheck?

How often have you pulled up to a stop light and looked over out of your car window, and saw a very nice shiny car, perhaps your dream car?

Did you ever say to yourself, "Man, I wish I could have that car?" Or, what about the Christmas party at your boss's home, the house that's nestled prestigiously in a "Gated Community", beautifully furnished with all the fixings and amenities of a luxurious life?

Okay, I hear some of you Thinking..."Life isn't about material stuff"...You are Absolutely correct.

I am mainly talking about principal here. The Principle of Stewardship Works in every area of your Life

Okay let's move away from the material stuff for a moment. Let's look at you physically. Is the person you see in the mirror what you have envisioned you to be? Are you at your ideal weight, or can you afford to shed a few pounds?

The quality of your life is always defined by the quality of your choices, which is a reflection of your stewardship. Your life did not start out being overweight, but you somehow have found yourself tipping the scales. Why? In most cases, lack of good stewardship.

Stewardship is being responsible for someone else's possessions, in such a way that it becomes personal to you. Even though it's not yours, you treat it as though it is.

We own nothing in this life. Everything that we have has been leased to us to manage. And the better you manage, the more you get to manage. This is a very simple principle, but very complex in how we handle it.

See, God gives everybody what they absolutely need to succeed. It's just up to that individual as to how it's handled.

Did you know that you absolutely can have that car, perfect body and health, or the house that you so desire? If you expect to have a full and well-rounded life, these are the three areas that you must concentrate on:

a.)  Your Relationship With God.

b.)  Your Relationship With You.

c.)  Your Relationship With Others.

Your relationship with God is the most important one, so let's deal with that one first.

1.)  The Bible asks a very fundamental question: "What would it profit a man to gain the whole world, and then lose his Soul?"

There's absolutely nothing in this world that's worthy of losing your Soul over. So, make your relationship with God a top priority. Spend quality time with him in prayer, seeking direction for your Life. If God gave you his Son, He will give you anything based on your ability to handle them. Show God through your relationship with him, that you can handle the blessings that He has waiting for you, by your impeccable stewardship.

2.)  Just like you spend time with God, you need to spend time with yourself, too. Growing and developing is your personal responsibility to Life. Always seek to improve everything about you. This includes your body & health. Make a commitment to eat healthier, get that body moving like Coach Les preaches everyday. Just Love You!

3.)  The ability to embrace new and healthy relationships is solely predicated on how you handle the ones that you are currently in. It takes time and energy, and a lot of effort on your part to nurture good relationships. People make the world go around, not technology and social media. Genuinely love people and get to know them. Don't dislike someone because your close friend doesn't like them. Make your own decision about the people you allow in your life. When choosing friends, you must make sure those individuals are Suited to assist you in your purpose, and vise- versa. You must always surround yourself around people that have your best interest.

These three things are what God has given us, so that we can have and enjoy a wealthy, healthy, and wholesome life. If you are a Good Steward over these three areas of you life, there's nothing in this world that can stop your Success!

If you have an old car, keep it clean and change the oil. Check for old French Fries in between the seats. Get the bird poop off the glass and windshield. Treat that old car like it was a brand new one, just like the one you admired from a distance.

Take care of that body that God has given you. Exercise and walk daily. Eat healthier.

Clean-up that apartment that you live in. Make your bed up in the mornings. Pick up the trash and debris in front of your apartment building. Take pride in your Environment!

In other words, be a good Steward over what you do have and what you have control over. Show the world how blessed your are, through your awesome Stewardship.

Author D. Sandridge