Monday, January 31, 2011

What Vehicle are you Riding In?

The first production “Model T” was produced in August, 1908. It was produced by Henry Ford’s Ford Motor Company. According to an international poll, the Ford Model T was named the world’s most influential car of the twentieth century.

Henry Ford said of the vehicle: “I will build a car for the great multitude…But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one—and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces.”

Ford wanted to put every man in the new Model T—only if he could afford it. However, the thing I was impressed with was the fact that Ford wanted this total experience to be enjoyed with family. Yes, a vehicle that was large enough for the family.

How often do we go through life, in our own little world, not taking into consideration our loved ones and the people that make what we do even possible? We get on the fast track to climbing the corporate ladder—hoping to catapult our career success into the stratosphere.

Family is the foundation of world. The stronger the foundation of family values, the stronger the world is. And whenever that foundation is disturbed in any way, the world gets a little darker!

What vehicle are you riding in? Is it a one-seat, two-seater, two-door, four-door, SUV, Van or a motor cycle? Have you made room for your family to ride with you, as you climb the ladder of success?

I love the motto of Keller Williams Realty: “God, Family, Business.” When we put things in the right perspective, we create a rewarding life! Don’t try to do it any other way.

Ford builds cars…let us build strong families. Let us live our lives in a way that will create a lasting legacy. Let us be the one that’s name the most influential and instrumental as it relates to our strong family values.

I would like to use the word Model T as an acronym, so that you can remember how important family is, and that you need to make sure you have room for them in your vehicle—whatever vehicle that may be. Don’t take another career trip, personal trip, business trip or school field trip until you have taken a family trip, first!

M  Make Family a Priority

O  Open your world up to your Family

D  Drive your Family with you

E  Eliminate excuses

L  Love genuinely

T  Teach every Family member the Model

Your Coach
Demetrius Sandridge

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