Monday, February 13, 2012

12 Steps to Becoming A Millionaire

Step #2—


Take Personal Responsibility

Now that you have made the decision to become Wealthy, it is time to take personal responsibility. First, you must take a cold hard look at yourself.

This is the time that you will take to evaluate your life, and the decisions that you have made. The question that needs to be answered is: Why?

The “Why” question is the most powerful question of all, because it demands more answers. The “Why” question forces one to get to the core of the matter and beyond. The best example I can use to validate this view is the innocent exchange between a parent and toddler.

The parent tells the toddler that she can’t do a certain thing, and the first thing that comes out of the toddler’s mouth is, “Why”? And then the parent proceeds to give a surface answer as to why she said what she said. And for all you parents out there know the next thing that transpires, the toddler says, “But why?” And this continues for a short time until the parent finally gives in and say, “Because I told you so.”

See, the “Why” question will either make you frustrated or cause you to dig a little deeper into the matter. And the latter is what I want for you—to dig a little deeper, to find valid answers as to why you are where you are.

I had to ask myself the “Why” question several times. After I came to grips with the answers, I had to move on. I could no longer allow my father’s murder to remain an excuse for not achieving my goals and dreams. I could no longer allow my failed marriages to be my excuse for not loving again. I could no longer allow my financial woes to hinder my desire to be financially liberated. I had to get on with life.

I am not telling you to be insensitive to situations that occur in your life. All I am saying is deal with those matters properly, and move on. Stop blaming others for where you are in your life.

We will all lose something at some point in this life: From Loved ones to things. Remember, "Life Happens." Things are constantly changing everyday.

The “Why” question will always lead you to the right answer. And the answer is almost always: Personal Responsibility.

However, the “Why” question is powerful but yet time consuming. Yes, you can answer all of the “Why” questions in your life until the cows come home, but if you never stop and take personal responsibility, you will be still asking “Why”.

Asking yourself the “Why” questions is just a way to get the conversation started in you head. Once that conversation gets started, and you get some clarity as to why certain things have happened in your life, there has to be a time when it stops. Once you come to grips with the answers to your “Why” questions, at some point you must move on. You must lay the entire “Why” answers to rest.

It is now time to forgive yourself and others for some of the answers to your “Why” questions. I know you want to point the finger at everybody but yourself. It’s natural for us to want to do that. However, it’s not beneficial.

We must take full responsibility for our lives. If your quest is to experience financial freedom, then you must take full responsibility to ensuring that that takes place.

No more excuses. No more pointing the finger and blaming others. No more wining. No more complaining. It’s time to make it happen. The brightness of your future depends on you, and how bright you want to make it.

Here is another question for you. What is the difference between a Wealthy person and a Poor person? Answer: One takes Responsibility and the other one does not. Which person are you?

How do we implement Step #2?

                             Action Steps:

  • Find someone that you can talk to to help you get over the thing that's bothering you (Your Pastor, friend, family member, mentor, Life Coach, etc.). Let go of the Past.
  • Forgive not only others, but forgive yourself also, because nobody is perfect.
  • Be optimistic in the mist of adversity.
  • Make the decision to be Great! Find someone that will hold you responsible for staying on track.

Thanks, Your Coach

Demetrius Sandridge

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome and powerful word of encouragement. Keep up the good work. Love you


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