Friday, April 21, 2017

12 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire

Step #4__
Change Your Thinking

There was a television commercial that I saw a long time ago that said, "You are what you eat." The commercial was referring to eating healthier by adding fruit to your diet. I thought about the makers of that commercial and analyzed the message that they were trying to get across to the many Americans that viewed it. It was a catchy phrase.

But, as I look at our society as a whole, I think that it's becoming more evident that it's not just what we are eating that's killing us, we are killing ourselves with our "Thinking"...It's not our diet; it's our thinking.

"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he..." Mark Twain commented, "The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that ain't so." If you don't think properly your life suffers tremendously.

Our thinking has caused us to respond the wrong way, say the wrong things, eat the wrong foods, work the wrong job, marry the wrong people, invest in the wrong things, stand on the corner for the wrong reason, and even hurt people for no reason at all.

Has your "Thinking" caused you to do any of the things above? If so, there is hope. The hope is; this is just a mentality that has caused you to become trapped by your own thinking, through your limited experiences.

Changing your environment will create a different experience, only if you change your thinking also. Do you remember the saying, "You can take the people out of the country, but it is hard to take the country out of people."

The same is true with you. You can change locations, but if you never change your thinking, the new location will eventually start to look like the one you just left.

Changing your thinking means embracing new ideas and concepts. You have to get out of your comfort zone in order to penetrate the old-way of thinking--which means there has to be a paradigm shift.

If you can only think Better...You can Live Better!

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